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An Interview With Floze

We caught up with Wellington-based streetwear brand Floze. He let's us in on his favourite brands and some of the lessons he's learnt over the years.

Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Floze! I founded/run FlozeClothing! Also ride scooters & make music!

𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘻𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘵

What are your favourite brands and why?

At the moment it’d have to be Public Saint, American brand just doing so much cool stuff and very consistent! They’re next level underrated!

What does ‘Floze’ mean?

It’s everything to me obviously, it’s been my lifeline since I started, gave me a sense of purpose and a place to output my feelings. Though I try to make all my pieces not too sad.

What separates Floze from other brands?

I’d say the rawness of the brand, I’m not really consistent or pushing the brand the way most people do. I make clothes because I genuinely enjoy it, I don’t force it. I’m raw with how I feel and what I believe in and how I want Floze to perceived. I want people to be excited when I release clothes.

Was there a moment that you decided to start taking your brand more seriously?

I think when one of my posts got like 400 likes I was going nuts, that was so crazy to me, still is very crazy.

Also, when my mum started noticing people wearing my stuff all over Wellington was what really put it into perspective for me.

Do you work on Floze full-time? Why/not?

I don’t and I'm unsure if I want to these days, would be awesome to do full time no doubt! Just think I’ll lose my love and passion for it not constantly trying to drain my creativity or release items I’m not full happy with.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘴𝘳𝘵 𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘻𝘦 𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳

Who are your favourite local brands that you want to work with?

YP!, SmallTalk3216, Savant Cartel, Raxwear, RareByBenny, TheHenryCalkin

Tell me about some of the struggles you face?

I compare myself to other local brands way too much, feel like my stuff is never up to scratch, even the shoes I was a bit iffy on actually releasing just because I felt like they weren’t good enough. I guess the main insecurity being no confidence in what I do.

Where are you in 1 year?

Hopefully chilling somewhere overseas, making clothes a bit more often and better pieces! I really wanna model in a Paris fashion week so who knows!

What skills have you gained by starting this business?

I was 15 when I started so it’s been a lot of learning.

How to be better with money, which I think is something a lot of kiwis struggle with, have a Floze account which I just never touch unless Floze related even if I am struggling with money in life.

The way people act towards me, lots of old “friends” treat me so differently and others treat me better than they used to, very interesting to observe.

Why will you be successful?

Because at the end of the day I am just me, I could care less if no one liked me or my stuff! Passion is the drive and I feel like a lot of other brands just jump on trends to make a quick buck. Money isn’t a thing to me in the clothing side of my life.

What is your message to everybody else who has not started towards their dreams?

Just start! You don’t have to have all the equipment or whatever you think you need! The purest forms of creativity come from having little to work with! If you ever need a conversation about it flick me a DM!

What is the quote of the day?

I can’t wait to win, you lot wait to lose


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