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An Interview With Shaan

We caught up with TikTok Comedy Creator @shaansp to talk about how his passion for Comedy came to be and his favourite Comedians.

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Shaan and I create videos.

Who are your biggest comedic influences?

Leigh Hart, Early Adam Sandler, Nick Colletti and Vince Vaughn.

Leigh Hart - I think this man is the funniest man on planet earth. He epitomises Kiwi/Pisstake Humour. Me and my mates from High School religiously watched his videos and you could somewhat say that he moulded our group's humour. All of his skits are in full piss take mode, making unfunny things extremely funny. It’s the details with him as well, from the hand gestures to the way he clicks his pen. I’ve also shown people around the world his content and most don’t really get it. Maybe because it is the ultimate Kiwi humour? I’m not entirely sure, but I think this man is a genius.

Early Adam Sandler. Mid 90’s to Early 2000’s Adam Sandler is top tier Comedy. Happy Gilmore is my favourite movie of all time (for many different reasons). He took the ‘stupid’ level of Comedy to another level. Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy etc. are all masterpieces. On face value, it just seems really straight forward and simple. But I think there is an added level to it (I find it hard to articulate this point to people). I just find things really funny when they are purposely so corny.

Nick Colletti - The GOAT of Vine. Again another different level of humour. I feel like he was the pioneer for the whole Casey Frey type of humour. Some people get weirded out by the humour, but the fact they are being so weird on purpose makes it so funny.

𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘢𝘯 & 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘗𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘶𝘦

Vince Vaughn - I’m a huge fan of all his movies. He is has the gift of the gab and I think his delivery is the best in the game. He shows why it is all about how you say things, not what you say.

Why did you begin posting on TikTok?⭐️ (static)

I always loved making videos, ever since I was very young. Me and my cousins always used to make mini homemade movies. So it the interest has always been there.

Then my mindset and attitude on life was moulded by meeting some amazing individuals during my travels. The whole “do what makes you happy” mindset fully kicked in later November.

In regards to me starting to post TikToks, it actually started with a Vlog I did. It was documenting what it was like to be in Quarantine in a Hotel for two weeks (during the height of Covid). I had a lot of fun making it and I was skeptical about posting it. After getting a push from some close peeps, I posted it and got a great response. I was pleasantly surprised and got excited. Before posting this video, I had this silly notion in my head that most people would judge me in a negative way. But in reality people really appreciate when you put yourself out there. It can be a daunting thing to put yourself out there on Social Media, but in reality what does actually matter at the end of the day. If you are doing what you love and enjoying the process, then nothing can stop you.

So from then I discovered I enjoyed making shorter videos, in Skits and TikTok form.

What is the quote of the day?

Just do it - Shia Labeouf

What is your favourite piece of work you’ve released and why?

I made this Video called “I love you bro” with yourself and Henry. Even though it was inspired by another creator, the creative energy we used for that video was brilliant. The different camera angles, the delivery of lines, the dancing and the editing all led to a masterpiece in my mind. The video just flows so nicely and is very entertaining in my eyes.

Not to mention how much fun we had. I have so much fun making these videos, especially when my mates/family are involved.

When was the moment you realised making comedy content was something you wanted to pursue?

My Number 3 response, where I speak about the vlog answers this.

Who is your dream collaboration with?

Leigh Hart (use my first answer here).

Tell me about some of the struggles you face as a comedy content creator?

Two things. One is having the people around. There are only a certain few people I can make/enjoy making videos with. Most don't live in the same city as me, so my opportunities to make certain skits are limited. Also I understand that people have their own schedules, so sometimes it’s hard to get the timing right.

The second one is negative feedback. I never have a problem with posting something, but whenever I receive negative feedback it’s not the nicest feeling in the world. But at the end of the day, when you put yourself out there, you are always to get those people who don’t really enjoy what you just posted. At the end of the day, if I’m happy with a video, I am going to post it, regardless of what someone may say. Because often you are creating a scenario in your head that someone will think your video isn’t good.

𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘢𝘯 & 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘔𝘊 𝘢 𝘸𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨

Where are you in 1 year?

Physically in Canada. However I hope to just keep making Content and enjoying myself whilst doing it.

I hope to have started some public style videos, in which I can start a Youtube Channel with my brother. I feel like once I start those videos, I won’t be looking back.

I don’t really have a figure I want to put on followers or likes. I would obviously love to have a lot more followers, but the fact that I enjoy using my brain in a creative way, I’m not too worried.

What is your long term goal with your brand?

To be making high production skits and public videos. I also hope it can lead to some acting opportunities in all honesty. I would love to get into acting (I just have to get better at it too).

Why will you be successful?

Because I have so much fun making these videos. If I am having fun, then why stop. I feel I also have the personality for it. I bring vibrant energy to most situations I’m in and I think that resonates with people.

What is your message to everybody else who has not started towards their dreams?

Don't worry about “it” being perfect. Done is better than perfect. You’ll never do/post anything if you’re worried about being perfect in the eyes of others. You will learn and grow with the process.


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