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Fake Ambition

How many times have you sat with a friend lamenting on all the things you could have done in the past few years? You suddenly feel a bolt of electric desire to achieve more run through your body. But just as quickly as you reach that high, you forget about it and catch yourself wishing you had tried it when you and your friend are talking about where you could be in another year's time.

This is something I, myself, am guilty of. I like to call it ‘fake ambition’. In a world that is ruled by quick hits of dopamine in the form of imagery of the life that you want to live, seen through social media, you can begin to see where this phenomenon occurs. The thing with seeing the life you want to live through a screen is that you’re probably sitting in bed or on a couch, using your thumb to get this hit. The people who you admire are not doing that. They’re making it happen. Social media can be great by exposing you to a life you want to live. But, it can also be bad because it can make it seem too easy.

That business you want to start, musical career, creative hobby, sports team you want to get into, doesn’t happen without will and determination. It will take hard work and it won’t fall on your lap. In order to create the life that you want, you must sacrifice.

Look around at the people you spend most of your time with. Are they ambitious? Sometimes surrounding yourself with people who support you isn’t enough. You become what you surround yourself with, so make sure that is something which will lift you up. If you are serious about achieving your dreams you might have to sacrifice a part of your ‘fun’ social life. Literally everybody I know who is operating a successful business or brand spend their time with people they can learn from.

Damn, if only I’d listened to my parents earlier about this I would be in a Lamborghini right now.

There is no dream without ambition and there is no success in ambition without hard work. But don’t let this all be about your biggest dreams. Maybe it’s a hobby. I know less people with hobbies nowadays than I do. It’s just sad, don’t let the weight of the world get you down and prevent you from trying.

Before you tell yourself and others that you are ambitious, stop and ask yourself. What have you done to work towards what you want? I’m not talking about you’ve sat there and Googled a few things. What have you actually done?

We are so lucky to live in a world where you can connect with anyone at the touch of a button. Turn that fake ambition to something real and smash it.

If you’ve made it this far there is probably something you want to try. I implore you, once you have finished reading this, to go and take the first step towards trying that something. Believe in yourself and have fun while you do it. That's the most important thing. You got this.


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